0.5 km from bus stop
4.5 km from Skopelos town
with Facilities, direction: South-West
Several, fairly easy steps to walk down
Family friendly, Parking along the road
If you wish to use the local bus service –which is pretty regular in the summer months– this beach is the closest to Skopelos town, a total distance of 4,5 km (4 km by bus and 0.5 km on foot). A sloping road, 500 meters from the bus stop and a staircase will bring you down to the shore. Mixed with sand and fine shingles, with umbrellas, sun beds and beach bar, in a delightful setting, Stafylos is popular and prone to get crowded. Please be informed that car parking in the peak season gets limited.
The environment is natural and unspoilt, with beautiful wooded hills above and around the beach, and fresh water pouring down from a spring. Sea water is crystal clear and snorkelling around the coves of the bay is a great pleasure.